brandedcbc's logo with a green computer with a megaphone and a heart, play button, and photo icon are coming out. Indicating media and marketing. Reads cannabis brand consulting and media engagement analysis

Cannabis Brand Consulting Services


What We Offer:

Brand Consulting

BRANDEDcbc provides step-by-step support in developing and building your brand.


Media Management

Content managing is an efficient way to free up time and grow your media presence.

Branded Lifestyle

A merchandise line with apparel to compliment your BRANDED lifestyle.

Shop Our Collection

Content Calendars

Content calendars take the guessing out of your social media presence! BRANDEDcbc can create a unique calendar to maximize time and increase brand exposure.

Request a content calendar

Social Media Audits

Looking for ways to improve your social media engagement? We will evaluate your brand's current media, and highlight growth opportunities specific to your goals.

Schedule a media audit
speech bubble with heart inside

Product Reviews

BRANDEDcbc offers unbiased reviews for your products. We will provide relevant feedback on items. Your brand can also be featured on our media for increased publicity.

Behind the Brand

Jas Lovelace, CBC